Sarah Glenn Marsh

young adult
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Amazing Fear the Drowning Deep Student Project!

So here’s a thing that was brought to my attention a few weeks ago by a terrific high school teacher in Mexico: a small group of her students did a group project on my book Fear the Drowning Deep. They created a real-life version of Morag’s book of sea monsters–the book in the story that Bridey relies on for help in her battle against the supernatural creatures plaguing her village! The pages do a great job bringing my vision to life, complete with thoughtful write-ups of each monster and some really cool art!

Their teacher kindly shared images of the project with me, and now I’m delighted and honored to share some of them here on my website for others to admire as well!

*Disclaimer: None of these images belong to me; all belong to the students who worked hard to make this project!

Thanks to the wonderful students who put this together! I hope you find many more great books to get excited about this year!


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